Haolu Trading (HK) Limited locates in Guangzhou, China, we offer sourcing and buying services with office and warehouse in Guangzhou. Our professional team provides superior services including sourcing for a wide variety of products, order processing, products inspection, shipping and documentation services, order status notification and more.

With our supply relation net in China, knowledge of wholesale market and geographic variations of production base in this country, we can get you the right product you want with most competitive price and timing. Once you place the order, our professional team with years experience in trading will offer services including language translation, order processing, products inspection, shipping and documentation services, order status notification, after sale following, ect to ensure your products reach your destination safely with the least time and money consuming.

We also provide personal services for trips to China including travel Reservation, hotel reservation, personal escorts to manufactures and wholesale markets all over China.

It will be our honor if we can render our service to make your purchase easier in China.